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African breadfruit

Africa is really blessed with lots of plants to classify as food, of which the African breadfruit is included. Have you come across this plant and it's seeds before ? How can it be prepared? What are it's nutritious benefits? African breadfruit is very popular in Igbo land popularly known as ukwa . Ukwa is usually prepared in different ways and eaten as a main dish. It is a perennial plant.  The African breadfruit is rich in vitamins and minerals which includes vitamin b1, b2,b3, b5,b9, potassium, calcium among others. It contains carbohydrate, protein and fat. Benefits Some of its benefits among others includes: It contains enough calories which is good for the day's activities. It is energy giving. African breadfruit contains free radicals which helps to reduce aging marks and other age - related diseases. It prevents heartburn, ulcer and other digestion related illnesses. It contains antioxidants which helps in fighting against som
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